Acupuncture is a healing art and is an integral part of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Documents desc...
Tui Na, or tuina, is a therapeutic form of Chinese manipulative therapy or massage and has been used...
Skin Disorders: Our skin is not only our protective barrier to the environment, but also a mirror to...
Smoking is an addiction which is extremely tough to get rid of. The addiction of nicotine reigns sup...
Stroke is the second most common cause of death and results in the disability of a large number of p...
Ear Acupressure: Just as this ancient healing art defines acupuncture points on the body for treatme...
Depression is a state of low mood and aversion to activity that can have a negative effect on a pers...
As a substance with great potency of misuse and addiction, the consumption of alcohol can lead to se...
Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI) refers to the leakage of urine from the external orifice of urethr...