Traditional Chinese Medicine
Chinese medicine is a holistic system of medicine that has been an integral of the Chinese culture for over 3000 years.
The Chinese Medicine
Chinese medicine is a holistic system of medicine that has been an integral of the Chinese culture for over 3000 years and has helped billions of people to both maintain their health and prevent illness. At the root of traditional Chinese medicine is the belief that the individual (microcosm) is viewed as an integral part of the forces of nature (macrocosm). By careful observation of nature, Taoist sages were able to perceive patterns common to both the external environment and the internal climate of the human body.
Over a period of thousands of years, the cumulative observations of sages all over China led to an intricate system of diagnosis and healing. Even before the development of modern Western medicine, a system and philosophy of treatment had been formed, based on comprehensive theories of health care. Optimizing human life by preserving the conditions within which it thrives is the purpose of Chinese medicine (Beinfield & Korngold 1991). Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is an ancient and still very vital holistic system of health and healing, based on the notion of harmony and balance, and employing the ideas of moderation and prevention. TCM is a complete system of health care with its own unique theories of anatomy, health and treatment. It emphasizes diet and prevention and herbal medicine, using acupuncture, massage, and exercises; and focused on stimulating the body natural curative powers.
TCM and Western Medicine
TCM and Western medicine adopt different viewpoints and methods to conduct research and explore the science of human life patterns.
Western medicine tends to view the body a lot like a car. It has different systems that need the right inputs and outputs. It’s very concrete and logical. Traditional Chinese Medicine, on the other hand, doesn’t focus on science and medicine. Instead, it’s based on balance, harmony, and energy. The philosophies and principles of Chinese medicine explain how the body works as an integrated system.
A Modern Medicine
Although modern Western medicine has brought healthier lives and has significantly extended the average lifespan, there is still a lack of knowledge in many areas, leading to deficiency in efficient treatment for certain conditions, including a number of common skin conditions (e.g. eczema, psoriasis and vitiligo), cancer, AIDS, rheumatoid arthritis, asthma and more.
Through this research, continuing advances are being made in the improvement of treatments. In prescribing treatment for ailments, practitioners in TCM look at the whole person, not just the symptom(s) presented, focusing on psychological as well as physical characteristics. Treatment is therefore geared to the individual and to the root of the problem rather than simply treating a symptom, which is a principal approach in Western medical treatments, sometimes offering only temporary relief or even exacerbating the condition. Traditional Chinese Medicine can be split into several principal disciplines: Herbal medicine; Acupuncture and Moxibustion; Tui Na; Diet; and Exercise, including Tai Ji and Qi Gong.